Book of the Week: The Doll’s Eye, by Marina Cohen

The Doll’s Eye, by Marina Cohen

Hadley’s life has been totally upended. It’s always been just her and her mom, living in their Pittsburgh apartment. Then her mom met Ed, and in the blink of an eye she and Ed got married, and they became a family of four, with Ed’s six-year-old son Isaac. Now they’re moving to a weird old house in the country, far away from Hadley’s school and her friends and the only life she’s ever known.

On her first day in the new house, Hadley finds a glass eye rolling across the floor of her bedroom. Then she finds a dollhouse in the attic that looks exactly like their house, and a bunch of old dolls, including a doll that looks just like the old woman who lives over the garage. In fact, it looks exactly like her, which is weird, since the doll has to be a hundred years old. And as Hadley gets pulled further into the world of the dolls, there will be terrible consequences for her entire family.

If you liked Took, you’ll love this terrifying tale. Just make sure you don’t have any dolls around while you’re reading it.

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